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Our most important activities center on cultivating and strengthening the field of digital humanities, and providing guidance and support to those entering the field. Learn more.
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图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家 ...:2021-5-25 · 图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家账本”
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ACH has created the ACH Guidelines for Assessment of Digital Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion, which aim to help candidates and committees assess (and prepare to assess) digital scholarship.
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Learn about the many benefits of an ACH or joint ADHO membership on our members page.
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面试碰到不懂的问题怎么办? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-5-7 · 第一招——坦言相告,切勿乱编答案 我发现身边的朋友都存在一个误区,就是特别容易把面试当成考试,还是文科考试。 仔细想一想大家在高中作答文史哲等试卷时,是不是不管这个问题的答案,我知不知道,先写上字再说。
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Awards such as the Busa Prize, Zampoli Award, and ACH student bursaries recognize outstanding achievements in the application of technology to humanities research.
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Digital Humanities Quarterly
Our own open-access, peer-reviewed online journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humaniites.
An electronic seminar and forum on humanities computing and DH, continuously active since 1987.
DSH, the journal of digital scholarship in the humanities (formerly LLC), which manages ACH membership subscriptions.
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Digital Humanities Questions and Answers, a community-based Q&A board for DH